Poker Discussion Sites:
- Internet Texas Holdem discussion forum
I'm a moderator at this site and I think it is far
and away the best poker discussion forum on the
internet. We're friendly and smart and you'll
feel at home there right away.
- 2+2
Not as friendly as ITH or as welcoming to newer players, 2+2 is
nevertheless the biggest discussion community on the web. Some
amazingly smart people post there and if you can sift through the
noise, there is some of the very best information here
- If you like your poker discussion even more rough and tumble
than 2+2, you can always try
Full Contact Poker or
Neverwin Poker. Don't say I didn't warn ya.
Traditional Poker Blogs:
Guiness and Poker
You can't have a poker blog without referring to the
Blogfather. Iggy is the man. I'm a rank
amatuer, but I'm going to do what I can to destroy
workplace productivity. Iggy also keeps one of
the most up to date lists of all the blogs out
If Iggy is the Blogfather, Linda Green is the first
lady of poker blogging. A Bellagio dealer with
amazing real life stories of life on the felt and a
real knack for writing, Linda is a must-read.
She's about to head off on a cross country
adventure, so I expect it will better than ever.
Tao of Poker
Dr. Pauly (I'm scared to ask what he could be a
doctor of) is quite a blogging powerhouse in his own
right. I've got a soft spot for him as a
fellow Phish fan, but he has made quite a sensation
blogging many of the biggest poker events live and
in person. He's another gifted writer.
BG was one of the first poker bloggers I ever found
and writes with a voice that I can relate to.
He often covers a lot of non-poker stuff, but I find
him an interesting guy. He's an appealing
blend of charm and insecurity and always a good
The Cards
It is a real shame that Hdouble doesn't write much,
because most everything he turns out is gold.
Dig through his archives, you'll be glad you did.
It is impossible not to like Gene just for his tag
line "Pittsburgh's most decorated poker blogger,
which I admit is like being the best shortstop in
Greenland." Despite his moniker, Gene comes
across as an extremely nice guy.
Al Can't Hang
He may not be able to hang, but if his blog is to
believed, he can drink like a world-record holder.
His blog often has the kind of funny story about
adventures drinking and poker playing that will
either remind you of your misspent youth or make you
regret that you didn't misspend enough of it.
There are many, many other worthy reads and surely
some of them will strike your fancy in a way that some
of these did mine. I'll also admit that I started
reading these when there weren't so damn many and I
never gave a lot of the newer ones a chance. Check
out the list on Iggy's site and you will probably have
weeks worth of reading to do. |
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Fellow ITH-ers with blogs:
- Bull's Betting
My buddy, Bullajami, got me into sports betting and he has lots of
good advice on bonus hunting, sports betting and poker playing on
his site. He's a good guy, even if he is a sailor.
- Bad beats and good vibes
This is Cybrarian's blog. He's a fellow moderator and I'm on
record as being lined up to cover his bar tab the first time we
meet. I knew I'd like him from one of his first posts.
- Matthew Milne's Poker Blog
I give SuitedJock's blog props because he had the sense to make me a
guest author. I'm going to report on his WPT adventures.
- MissT74
Tanya is our most "old school" blogger and a fun lady. She
worked very hard to make the first ITH meetup work well and it
- Redpill
Redpill's blog (and life) is like a car wreck. You shouldn't
watch, but you can't help it.
Poker Professionals with blogs:
- Paul
Phillips' Blog
You might think he is an egomaniac, he might get on
your nerves, but you have to read him.
For the record, I think he is brilliant and funny as
hell. You just can't handle the truth.
Daniel Negreanu
The other poker pro whose blog entries are the talk
of the internet the next day.
Lion Tales
This is kind of the story of an ordinary guy
(Richard Brodie) who joins the World Poker Tour and
sends you emails about his adventures. Well,
assuming you're an ordinary guy who wrote Microsoft
Word and is now focused on spending your money on
good wine and food and poker. I actually
talked to Richard in a popular travel discussion
forum for some time before I knew he was a poker
guy. He's a seems like genuinely nice guy and
would be the first pro I'll try to meet when I win
the main event.
There are a lot more than this, but I'm tired of digging
through my bookmarks. I may add more later. |