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I'm going to collect up some of my better work on ITH and some stuff I never posted anywhere and put it here.  So far, I haven't got around to much of that.  I've just linked up a few good posts at ITH.  When I get around to it, I'll update them here and reformat them.

  • Buy provigil overnight - Many players fail to consider how expensive the rake is and how much the rake can vary from site to site.
  • Buy adderall phoenix - Ed Miller's SSH and Matthew Hilger's ITH are my two favorite limit hold-em books.  This post deconstructs their advice for early position play
  • Generic green xanax bars - Ed Miller's SSH and Matthew Hilger's ITH are my two favorite limit hold-em books.  This post deconstructs their advice for middle position play
  • SSH/ITH Pre-flop Comparison in late position - Ed Miller's SSH and Matthew Hilger's ITH are my two favorite limit hold-em books.  This post deconstructs their advice for late position play
  • I can't find the one I did for the blinds.  Maybe the board ate it.

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This site was last updated 01/01/06

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