Sports Betting


Betting Lines


There are many ways to bet on sports.  I'm not a big believer in hunches or "systems" that ensure that you beat the house.  If you are one of those kind of guys, I think I can give you some advice on how to do that well too.  There are several major points that I think you need to know to be an effective sports bettor.

Bonus Hunting

Just like in poker, sports betting is a competitive business.  Many sites are eager to get your money and they are eager to pay you a nice bonus for signing up and trying their service.  Many of them will give you more bonuses if you get unlucky and lose the money you have deposited there.  Take advantage of these bonuses when they are out there and you can make a lot of extra money.


You have to be careful out there.  There are a lot of fly by night operations and not everyone is telling you what they know.  You want to find sports books that have a solid reputation for paying people what they are owed without question or complaint.  I'm building a list of sports books that I support that have great reputations and good bonus opportunities.  Stay tuned.

In later installments, I'll explain how to read and interpret the lines and give you some advice about how to make sense out of the options that are out there.  I promise you that there are plenty of ways for the smart better to win some money.  I'm currently up 14.8% in the past month on Sportsbetting.  You can do it too.

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